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Question: "The Blackblot Product Manager's Toolkit® (PMTK) methodology's first foundation rule is 'Product management is comprised of product planning and product marketing'. If so then do sales-driven or technology-driven companies need product management at all?"

→ Read More: Product Management at Sales-Driven and Technology-Driven Companies
 Product Management  

Question: "I took the liberty and had a peek into the evaluation version of the Blackblot Product Manager's Toolkit® (PMTK) which brings me to the question of - How much documentation would good product management have?"

→ Read More: Documentation in Good Product Management
 Product Management  

Question: "From your work in other parts of the world, what differences/similarities do you see among the Indian companies and CEOs you've interacted with when it comes to product management?"

→ Read More: Product Management at Technology Companies in India
 Product Management  

Question: "How does Blackblot foresee the adoption of product management methodology and tools in the next 3-5 year time frame?"

→ Read More: Product Management Methodology and Tools Adoption
 Product Management  

Clear terminology and consistent interpretation are the basis for any meaningful process at a company. Specifically, business terminology that does not lend itself to internal contradictions is at the crux of business decision making processes.

→ Read More: Business Management Terminology Primer
 Product Management  

Question: "People in my department occasionally advocate that we do a business case or business plan but I am not sure we are all clear on what this means. What is the difference between a business case and business plan and what are they used for?"

→ Read More: The Difference between a Business Case and a Business Plan
 Product Management  

Question: "Where's the elevator pitch for product management? If we can't say it concisely then we won't be clearly identified and the world and we will be confused. 'If a product was a ship, its captain would be the product manager' works for me, but then I have a clear idea what a captain of a ship, yacht, or dinghy does."

→ Read More: Elevator Speech For Product Management
 Product Management  

Question: "What is the Blackblot Product Manager's Toolkit® (PMTK) Methodology?"

Answer: Blackblot Product Manager's Toolkit® (PMTK) is a comprehensive set of models and professional templates which constitute a complete product management methodology that illustrates notable best practices and processes to help create successful market-driven products.

→ Read More: Essence and Purpose of the Blackblot PMTK Methodology™
 Product Management