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Where is the Product-Market Fit in PMTK?

Question"Where is the product-market fit in PMTK?"

PMTK literature and training refer to three inter-connected core strategies. Business strategy, market strategy, and product strategy.

These three strategy levels are collectively called the Corporate Strategy Mix, or Strategy Mix for short.

In PMTK, Product Strategy is defined as "decisions that build and enhance products to fit market needs, and outline how to build a product competitive advantage."

The first component of product strategy, "decisions that build and enhance products to fit market needs," reflects PMTK's notion of a product-market fit.

PMTK views product-market fit as a continuum, an ongoing activity that spans the entire product's lifecycle.

Product-market fit generates positive or negative value, resulting from the product succeeding or failing to fit market needs.

In PMTK, product-market fit is neither a metric nor a value proposition.

Striving for product-market fit motivates product development and is program management's responsibility.