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PMTK and the Stage-Gate Process

Question: "Please describe the PMTK deliverables in the stage-gate process and also the roles involved in the process."

The stage-gate process is a broad topic and a full article can easily be written about it. Per your request, following is a mapping of the deliverables and roles that participate in the stage-gate process when modeled according to the Blackblot PMTK Methodology™.

First, please see the "PMTK Flow Model" which demonstrates the internal flow and interaction between product planning and product marketing deliverables, and maps them to the entire product management process.

The goal of the "PMTK Flow Model" is to help managers apply the "PMTK Action Model" in a stage-gate/milestone-based like fashion. In the "PMTK Flow Model" the first task in the phase is the primary deliverable. If there is an up/down arrow (↕) under the primary deliverable then that means that the secondary deliverables beneath the primary deliverable are contained within the primary deliverable. For example, in Phase 1 of the "PMTK Flow Model" the Business Case is a primary deliverable which contains the Competitor Analysis and Product Comparison secondary deliverables.

In order to find the participants involved in each deliverable, refer to the "PMTK Task Model" which clearly designates the relevant Owner, Writer, Contributors and Audience for each deliverable.