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Question: "In the Procedural Requirements Management™ seminar we had learned how to create user personas. Can you provide a persona table for a Product Manager?"

→ Read More: Persona Table for a Product Manager
 Product Planning  

Question: "In the Blackblot PMTK Features Matrix, as part of the product planning process, do I list all the product requirements and all the market requirements of the product? If not, how do I decide which requirements to include? Should I only list the product features, but not necessarily the market and product requirements?"

→ Read More: What to include in the Blackblot PMTK Features Matrix?
 Product Planning  

Question: "In the training it was written in one of the slides that "Market requirements must be scalable and measurable". What does scalable and measurable mean relative to market requirements?"

→ Read More: Scalable and Measurable Market Requirements
 Product Planning  

Question: "Request your feedback/opinion on the applicability of the 'Blackblot MVP Model' for pricing hardware products (e.g. routers, telecom switches, network platforms, etc.), where:

→ Read More: Pricing Hardware Products
 Product Planning  

Question: "At my company there are many diverse opinions, particularly by members of the development team, on anything related to the Market Requirements Document (MRD). Can Blackblot provide an outline that will bring clarity to this topic?"

→ Read More: MRD Mini-FAQ
 Product Planning